St. Mary's Catholic Church
Sleepy Eye, MN
Organ Restoration Blog
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Back view of the restored console.
The console restoration is complete. Front view of console showing new pistons, new stop tabs, control panel, MIDI sequencer and solid state components below.
Close up of the back of the stop action magnets after the wiring harness has been installed.
This is the rear view of the console. Combination action (memory) circuit boards are at the bottom.
All the stop tabs have been installed in the console and most of the console wiring is complete.
Here are all the stop tabs mounted to the stop action magnets (SAMs). The SAMs are the machines which move the stop tabs when the organist presses a preset button.
The engraving has FINALLY arrived after a long wait. These are the new stop tabs for the console.
The rest of the console electrical system. These circuit boards are the memory system (combination action) and there is at least one for each division of the organ.
Part of the console electrical system. The large circuit board is the main CPU and the smaller ones are the inputs for the keys and stops.
The swell relay panel
Most of the past week has been spent making up the various wiring harnesses for the console.
New keyslips are now being made. These are the strips of wood which hold the preset pistons that are
to be located under each keyboard.
Manual keyboards have been completely restored including the installation of new springs, regulating screws, felts, and replacement of broken ivory. The optical keyswitches have also been installed under the keys.
Finish has been applied to the new console interior.
New console interior complete
New stop jambs and coupler rail of Oak are complete and ready for stain. The new interior of the console provides sufficient space for about 107 new stop tabs.
Console and Pipework removed for transport to MPOC
These are the pipes of the Great 8' Trumpet. All the reed ranks are being removed for transport to the MPOC shop for cleaning and restoration.
Inside the console showing the old electrical system which will be replaced with a solid-state computerized system
This is the console in its original configuration prior to removal. The interior of the console will be completely renewed along with a new pedalboard and new adjustable organ bench.
For the
Restoration of a
3 manual and pedal pipe organ at
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
Sleepy Eye, MN
Remove the existing console and transport it to the Moe Pipe Organ Co. shop where the following repairs and improvements will be made.
Install new solid-state electronic combination memory system including new stop actions and new stop tabs in new stop jambs and tablet board to match the new specification, along with new keyslips with new pistons as follows.
6 pistons affecting the Great stops
Great Cancel
6 pistons affecting the Swell stops
Swell Cancel
6 pistons affecting the Choir stops
Choir Cancel
6 pistons affecting the Pedal stops (duplicated by toestuds)
Pedal cancel
12 general pistons affecting the entire organ (7-12 duplicated by toestuds)
General cancel
Great to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)
Swell to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)
Swell to Great Reversible (thumb)
Choir to Pedal Reversible (thumb and toe)
Choir to Great Reversible (thumb)
Programmable Sforzando reversible (thumb and toe)
Programmable Crescendo sequence
Piston sequencer with Up/Down pistons and toestuds
128 levels of memory protected by password
Setter Piston
Install new MIDI resource system, connectors, and interfaces including the following
Sequencer for record and playback of the organ
MIDI Sustain toestud
Install new 12 position transposer
Install new optical key switches, front key regulating screws and felts, and new springs on the present manual keyboards.
Provide a new AGO pedal board including new contacts with mounting rail
Install digital control panel for MIDI, Transposer, and Memory Functions
Install new name tags on the console
Install new solid state electronic coupler system.
Provide a new, adjustable organ bench without a back rest.
Transport the Trumpet, Clarinet, English Horn, and Vox Humana pipes to the Moe Pipe Organ Company shop for cleaning and tonal restoration.
Deliver the restored console and pipes to the church and install along with the following:
New solid-state electronic relay system to operate the existing pipes according to the new specification.
Up to 100 feet of new cable to connect the console to the organ chambers
New electric swell shade operators and linkages for the existing Great/Choir and Swell shades.
New windchest for the II-III mixture in the great.
New 25 note set of organ chimes including electric chime action
Install a new 2HP Slow Speed Blower in the same location as the current blower.
Clean the entire organ as follows:
Remove all pipe work from the organ except for the largest pipes and store them in protective trays at the church.
Completely vacuum both organ chambers
Dust and polish all internal wooden parts
Open all wind chests and inspect/lubricate the direct-electric valves
Replace gasket material as needed on wind chests and re-assemble them checking each valve for proper adjustment and operation.
Clean all pipe work and re-install in organ
Check the caps and stoppers of all stopped pipes for tightness and re-pack as needed
Tune all pipework and correct any minor problems in the speech of the
Completed work carries a 10 year parts and labor warranty.
New Stoplist
Great Organ 8.4
16’ Bourdon
8’ Open Diapason 61 pipes
8’ Melodia 61 pipes
8’ Viola Da Gamba 61 pipes
8’ Gemshorn 61 pipes
8’ Salcionals II (sw)
8’ Dulcianas II (ch)
4’ Octave 61 pipes
4’ Viol 12 pipes
4’ Rohr Flute 61 pipes
2 2/3’ Twelfth 61 pipes
2’ Fifteenth 61 pipes
II-III Mixture (1 1/3') 165 pipes
8’ Trumpet 61 pipes
Chimes NEW 25 tubes
Great to Great 4’
Swell to Great 16’
Swell to Great 8’
Swell to Great 4’
Choir to Great 16’
Choir to Great 8’
Choir to Great 4’
Great/Choir Transfer
Automatic Pedal
Swell Organ 8.9
16’ Lieblich Gedeckt 12 pipes
8’ Geigen Diapason 61 pipes
8' Stopped Diapason 61 pipes
8’ Gedeckt 61 pipes
8' Oboe Gamba 61 pipes
8’ Salicional 61 pipes
8’ Voix Celeste TC 49 pipes
4’ Geigen Octave 12 pipes
4’ Flute d’Amour 12 pipes
4' Gambetta 12 pipes
4’ Violina 12 pipes
4' Voix Celeste 12 pipes
2 2/3’ Nazard
2’ Flautino 12 pipes
1 1/3’ Larigot
1' Piccolo
III Dolce Mixture 183 pipes
8’ English Horn 61 pipes
8' Vox Humana 61 pipes
4' English Horn 12 pipes
Swell to Swell 16’
Swell Unison Off
Swell to Swell 4’
Choir Organ 5
8’ Flauto Amibile 61 pipes
8’ Viola da Gamba (gt)
8’ Gemshorn (gt)
8’ Dulciana 61 pipes
8’ Unda Maris TC 49 pipes
4’ Flauto Amoroso 12 pipes
4’ Wald Flute 61 pipes
4’ Dulciana 12 pipes
4' Unda Maris 12 pipes
2 2/3 Quint
2’ Piccolo 12 pipes
III Mixture (synthetic)
8’ Clarinet 61 pipes
4’ Clarinet 12 pipes
Choir to Choir 16’
Choir Unison Off
Choir to Choir 4’
Swell to Choir 16’
Swell to Choir 8’
Swell to Choir 4’
Pedal Organ – 3
32’ Resultant
16’ Open Diapason 32 pipes
16’ Bourdon 32 pipes
16’ Lieblich Gedeckt (sw)
8’ Octave 12 pipes
8’ Bass Flute 12 pipes
8’ Cello 32 pipes
8’ Flauto Dolce (sw)
4’ Choral Bass (gt)
II Raush Bass (syn)
16’ Trombone 12 pipes
8’ Trumpet (gt)
4’ Clarion (gt)
Great to Pedal 8’
Great to Pedal 4’
Swell to Pedal 8’
Swell to Pedal 4’
Choir to Pedal 8’
Choir to Pedal 4’