Moe Pipe Organ Company builds both pipe organs and digital organs as well as instruments that are a combination of both pipes and digital. We use only the finest raw materials in the construction of our custom instruments. Pipework of the highest quality is custom-built for us by the finest pipemakers of the US and Europe. The interior structures and windchests of our organs are built from kiln-dried select maple. Casework and consoles are built to match the woodwork in our customer's churches. Digital voices from Walker, Artisan, and Hauptwerk are available to create a custom digital instrument or to augment a new or existing pipe organ. Solid-state control systems from Syndyne or Peterson are standard on our instruments. In short, if you can imagine it Moe Pipe Organ can build it and build it well.
Discussions and quotations are always done with no expense to the customer, so let us help you
plan your new worship instrument from the ground up.

First Lutheran Church
Taylors Falls, MN
Listen to this organ from its blog site.